George Cooper Calls Kenyon College Home For Season-Long NFLPA Coaching Internship


Kenyon College has welcomed a former NFL player on their coaching roster this season with the help of the NFLPA Coaching Internship. George Cooper, former NFL tight end hailing from Georgia Tech, has dedicated his expertise and time to the Lords’ coaching staff gaining new experience in collegiate-level football instruction.

The season-long internship cover responsibilities such as coaching a position group, facilitation of position meetings, scheduling and planning practices, leading drills, providing input in game plans, analyzing opponents’ film, evaluating talent and executing game-day responsibilities.

Continue reading for more on Cooper’s experiences during this hands-on program.


What sparked an interest coaching for your second career?

“I finished school at Georgia Tech and then had the chance to coach overseas in Austria. I helped coach my little brother and as he got older and started playing on his own I knew I had to go out on my own with coaching.”

How did you first hear about the NFLPA Coaching Internship?

I found out about the coaching internship through the coaching convention. I sat in on the NFLPA coaching seminar and it looked like a great opportunity.

So, how is Kenyon College treating you?

“It has been a great experience since the first day. It was my first time experiencing a new defense so I had to teach myself the new defensive scheme. It was great coming into this environment, I felt very welcomed and at home.”

How would you describe your coaching style?

“I would say that my coaching style is much more laid back then I thought it would be. I like focusing on technique and making sure the players are getting the most out of what I’m teaching them.”

What part of coaching is most challenging and which is most enjoyable?

“The most challenging part of being a coach is wanting success for all of your players. Every loss is leaves a bad taste and makes you feel much worse. Another challenging part is that when you are a player you have a lot more control of the situation on Saturdays. It is our job as coaches to prepare them throughout the week, but we cannot control the outcome; that is up to the players. 

The most enjoyable part is seeing the players who I coach for my position make plays. Seeing the hard work that goes into each practice and seeing the players execute it on the field makes it that much better.”

Why are programs like the NFLPA coaching internship important to players?

“It is extremely important especially while I have been trying to find a coaching job the past two years. Coaching a hard field to enter no matter what level of play. The NFLPA coaching internship gave me a chance to improve my resume as well. By not only putting on my resume that I was a player; it gives me more flexibility with my future in coaching.”

What have you learned about yourself through this experience?

“This experience has showed me how much I love the game of football. I would rather be working 14 hours a day coaching, than 6 hours a day doing something else.”

What advice would you give college players regarding success in the NFL?

“My advice would be to make sure my players know they have never done enough. There is always room for more and to improve. Try to be the best you can be and always be learning.” 


The NFL Players Association Coaching Internship is a partnership between the NFL Players Association and the American Football Coaches Association. The program aims to provide opportunities for former professional football players to gain coaching experience. After an application process, selected individuals serve as coaching interns at Division II, Division III, and NAIA universities for an entire football season.

George Cooper Jr. is a former tight end who attended Georgia Tech before joining the Detroit Lions in 2007. Cooper has played with both the Detroit Lions and Atlanta Falcons, respectively.