Going About His Business: Why Demario Davis Went Back to School
We spoke with Davis about his experience in the program and how he balances his schoolwork and football.
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What motivated you to begin an MBA at the Kelley School of Business?
I always wanted my MBA, and I was going to get it at my college, but this program is more geared toward football.
How do you balance all the different areas of your life – family, fatherhood, football, and education?
I’m married and have three kids – I’m always a husband first and father second. What comes next is football during the season and school in the offseason.
Why do you think players might be hesitant to go back to school?
They might be scared to fail. It can take a lot of time and can be demanding. Some guys might feel like they don’t need it.
What advice do you have for players considering going back to school?
There are a lot of opportunities that the NFLPA offers that aren’t available to everyone, so take advantage of them and set yourself up for success.
You participated in the NFLPA Externship – how does your experience there tie in with your plans for your MBA?
It’s another opportunity to further my experience and add to my tool belt. I worked with United Way, and I’m very interested in the field of philanthropic work. It’s been a great learning experience for me and I met a lot of contacts to build my network. It’s just another way to be more prepared for life after football. I was also able to earn three credits toward my MBA classes through the externship so that was a plus.
Would you recommend the externship to guys that are interested in their MBA?
Yes. It’s substituting a class to learn in a business setting.
Motto to live by?
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.