Updating Your Marketing Profile
Make sure we can connect you with business and marketing opportunities by telling us your interests!
If you're logged in to nflpa.com, click here to update your profile..
If you aren't already logged in here, you'll want to do that to access your personal profile.
- Click SIGN IN in the top right corner of this page to log in.
- Need help with logging in? Click "Forgot your password"
- Haven't created an account? Visit nflpa.com/new to get started.

Once you're logged in, click the small head icon or your photo in the top right corner and select Dashboard.

Scroll down to Profile and click Marketing Info.

Fill in the options there to match your interests.

Hit Save and Return when you're finished adding all your information. Now that you've submitted this info, we'll have these interests tagged in your account so our partners can find you for business opportunities!