NFLPA Mackey - White Health and Safety Committee
The NFLPA’s Mackey-White Committee was formed in 2009 to help develop health and safety policies in the workplace for our past, present and future player members.
The Committee is made up of medical experts in the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, neuropathology, neuropsychology, cardiology, orthopedic surgery, pain, medical ethics, sports medicine and emergency medicine as well as experts in engineering, research design and other scientific disciplines. In light of the sport’s 100 percent injury rate, the Committee also features a number of current and former players whose experiences are critical to informing the direction of the Committee’s ongoing efforts.
The Committee’s mission is to interpret evolving scientific literature in order to educate players on its impact within the NFL. This includes, but is not limited to, the short and long-term effects of concussions and other injuries.
Scientific advancements and a greater understanding of these issues are incredibly important to the advancement of player welfare.
If you are interested in learning more about the Committee and/or getting involved, please contact us at mackeywhite@nflpa.com.
Please note: the following information is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
The NFLPA is committed to supporting innovative approaches to diagnosing, treating and preventing injuries and illnesses in active, former and future players.
The Dementia Discovery Fund
In 2017, the NFLPA further expanded its substantial medical research portfolio by investing in the Dementia Discovery Fund (DDF), a venture capital fund focused on discovering and developing treatments or a cure for neurodegenerative diseases. This investment continues the NFLPA’s long-standing efforts to research and improve the long-term health and well-being of NFL players.
The Football Players Health Study (FPHS) at Harvard
The Football Players Health Study at Harvard University is a player-driven family of studies that cross-cuts multiple Harvard schools and major affiliated academic healthcare centers. The program has completed its sixth year and is organized into three major cores: Epidemiology, Targeted Studies, and In-Person Assessments.
Tapping into the ground-breaking biomedical research across Harvard University, its teaching hospitals and MIT, the FPHS is continuing to make progress on numerous targeted studies. These efforts include a bio-enhanced ACL repair technique that is minimally invasive and allows a torn ACL to heal on its own. The research study of this innovative procedure was successfully commercialized in 2018 with a Series A financing exceeding $22.5 million.
The FPHS is now in its final phase: In-Person Assessments. The main goal of this phase is to gather objective, measurable data and contrast the afflicted and non-afflicted (healthy) former NFL players in order to determine the root causes of health problems and disability. These findings will help develop new diagnostic, treatment and prevention strategies.
Together, these and other initiatives will allow the FPHS to gain a deeper understanding of the various health conditions that football players face.
As findings, reports, and papers become available, the Football Players Health Study will post them on this page. Click below to read the latest findings:
The Football Players Study at Harvard
In 2018, with the help of many of the Committee’s members, the NFLPA distributed a Health Playbook to all active players and their families. The Playbook is intended to be an educational tool and resource for players on various health conditions common to the NFL player population.